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Yellow Bird

-Psychic Medium-

Gain Spiritual insight with...

The White Winged Medium
Red Cardinal Bird


Psychic Reading

Past life, Love, Spirit Guides

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About Michael

Before he found his wings...

It was a few nights before Christmas when my mother and I were in the kitchen making brownies. I was 5 or 6 years old at this time and my sister who is two years younger than me was sound asleep in our shared room. My mom and I just finished mixing all of the ingredients and were preparing to spread the brownie mix across the baking pan when I decided to go to the bathroom. I held it for quite a while due to being excited and fascinated with the baking process, seeing that this was my first memorable time. I left the door open once I got to the bathroom as I prepared to relieve myself. My mother still assisted my sister and myself in the bathtub at this time which I'm only explaining to emphasize why I was comfortable with being so open. ​​


Before I could relieve myself, out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure of a man standing in the doorway. He had to have been at least 6'0 foot tall, he wore a trench coat -- typical business attire from another time period -- and a hat. I immediately dashed out of the bathroom and ran to my mom, telling her I saw something. It was startling more than it was terrifying but it was a moment that I never forgot. As I grew older, I continued to see shadow- figures randomly appear in that house. I didn't think anything of it and assumed that my house was haunted. I assumed that what I saw, heard, and experienced was what most people did. I didn't know anything about psychics or mediums so for years this ability was treated normally. ​Luckily my mother had had her own experiences with spirit/ghost so I wasn't ever told to keep quiet about it or that it was "just my imagination" and that furthered my belief in this being normal.


It wasn't until I became 20 when I gave my first Mediumship reading that I realized this was an ability that I could use to heal the hearts and homes of so many others. I dedicated myself to learning more about my abilities and evolving them. I realized many instances in my childhood when Spirit tried to reach out to me and make me aware of the unknown world around me. Everything I've felt, seen, heard... it was real and it wasn't normal. ​I don't know where these abilities came from as no one in my family is a medium. My mom's side of the family had premonitions and dreams about events before they unfolded which would explain the psychic portion but that's it. I - as far as I know, and others in my family - am the first Psychic Medium in my family. The first person who has decided to finely tune their skills and the first person who has been drawn to using them for self and others.​​I'm NOT here to prove to a non-believer that this is real.


However, I welcome skeptics as long as they are open to the idea. My goal is to help and to heal in whatever fashion that spirit deems necessary, not what man deems necessary. With pure compassion and love for what I do, I will make sure you -- the client -- feel safe in this environment to receive deep healing for the mind, body, and soul. 

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