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Frequently Asked Questions:


How should I prepare for my psychic and/or mediumship reading?


 Come into each reading with an open mind and an open heart. For psychic, think about some questions that you'd like to ask after the reading if time permits (if they haven't already been answered). For mediumship, understand that this is a collaboration between spirit, the sitter and the medium! So understand that you will play an important part in this process as well. It's best to have NO expectations before readings as this will keep you open to accept and acknowledge the information that will come through.


Will I hear from who I want to in a mediumship reading?


In a majority of readings, yes. The loved one that sitter is looking to hear from will come through but there are moments where the loved one may NOT be the first one to step forward or they may NOT step forward at all.


For example, if you're looking to hear from mom then grandmother may come through and this is for a good reason! After she has delivered her message, she will HELP to bring mom through. This is why it's important to have NO expectations and be completely open because shutting her down could close the gate to helping mom come forward!


There will be some cases where your loved may not come at all and this could be for a numerous of reasons. It could be the timing: they may not be ready, you may not be ready or I may not be the medium to suit the needs of that particular spirit. I don't control anything during this process and literally anything can happen! Mediums only serve as telephones, nothing more or less!


Can you read for everyone?


Rarely do I find it difficult to read for someone or the connection with me and spirit is not strong enough but in the cases that I cannot read for you your reading will be free of charge. I will attempt for 15 minutes before ending the session or if possible, we can reschedule for the next best possible time and usually that will be better. 


My loved one recently passed, should I get a reading now?


Readings can be very emotional and it is recommended to take a bit of time to grieve and heal before looking for a reading. Your loved one may not come through due to the timing not being right for you. Your loved one will also need time to get adjusted to the other side and learn the language in order to communicate clearly with a medium. 


I'm a complete skeptic! Will this affect my reading?


No, skeptisim does NOT effect a reading. As long as you are open and honest then the quality of your reading will not be effected. As stated, mediumship requires collaboration.


If you are trying to withhold information or hide things during this process it WILL effect the quality of the reading and the medium may very well dismiss the spirit who is present if you are unable to validate anything.


Psychic readings require less collaboration but still expect to validate if things resonate during these sessions and the same goes for any other service provided. There is a HUGE misconception that intuitive readers are all-knowing and this is simply just not the case! There will be some things readers need no assistance in validating and there will be some things they do!

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