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Connecting with Spirit Guides: Understanding their Role in Your Life

My Guide's perspective will be quoted.

Is a Spirit Guide an Ancestor? Can it be an animal? Is it someone you've incarnated with in a previous lifetime? WELL...

"A Spirit Guide is a being of light. They are your friends on the other side. Some have been with you since birth and others come to assist you with specific phases within your life. These phases may be as temporary as a breakup, a change in location, or a job. You have many different guides for many different reasons but know that knowing every one of them isn't important. It is the assistance that you receive that should be the focal point. A spirit guide can be with you your entire life and some never know it, but guides still successfully do their job. So do not get attached to knowing who they are, but change your focus on how they guide you in life. How do they influence your life." "For instance, Michael's great-grandmother guides him. She has assisted him with developing his mediumistic abilities on many occasions, but she would not consider herself his Spirit Guide although she provides guidance. She does not assist him with readings, she does not influence his life path. She - as she would've done if she were with him physically - provides her perspective from time to time, but she generally doesn't talk about his life things. Care to share your experience, Michael?" Of course! I have these little meetings with my Spirit Guides and loved ones. I light a candle and invite them to come close to me to chat. I am always greeted with their presence and colors which tells me what they are guiding me with. I have some names and I have some physical descriptions, but I believe colors are more effective for them to me. Loved ones appear every so often, but they do not appear as colors to me. I will feel them and at times, get physical descriptions. I can see their aura which has a color, but that describes their personality to me. It does not tell me about their message or their role in difference to Spirit Guides.

Here is a list of what colors mean for me with guides:

Red Guides discuss topics of physical health.

Green Guides discuss self-love and emotional healing.

Yellow Guides are a lot of fun and they have high energy! They cover happiness! Anything that raises your vibration, they are always there nudging you to do it!

Purple Guides discuss spirituality and intuition.

Blue Guides discusses freedom of self, leadership, and stepping into one's power.

Brown Guides are rare! They do not show up as often as the others, but they discuss topics of life purpose/the meaning of life. They provide deep and insightful messages.

Pink Guides - I'm sure you guessed it already - discuss topics of looooveee.

Orange Guides discuss topics of career/business.

"Spirit is not all-knowing contrary to popular belief. Spirit is learning just as you are here in the physical world. We have lessons that we must learn here on the other side and we all have differing opinions. One health guide may not be as knowledgeable as the next. The teachings may be a bit older whereas another guide's teachings would be modern. We also learn through you. Your life experiences and life challenges help us evolve and elevate. You may bring us understandings or new perspectives that we did not see. You see, Spirit has an expanded level of consciousness and although there are many times where we are right, there are those few times where we may be wrong. Some Spirit may have narrow perspectives or viewpoints, these tend to be beings who are not that close to the light, but this is only to highlight that Spirit still has their limitations. Only the Source knows no bounds."

"Guides will never decide for you and will not interfere with your free will. Most people blame God for things that occur to them, but most times they are blind to the choices they make that led them to where they are in the first place. As Guides, we will steer you on the best path for you. Know that the best path is not always the easiest. The human mind correlates ease with better and that is not always the case. Sometimes the most challenging path can be the most rewarding and the easiest. Most of you have survived what you initially thought you could not. Looking back at some of the things you faced, was it hard to overcome? One thing we do not want you all to do is to become lenient with the guidance of a guide. We do not want to handicap your ability to trust your intuition or to make your own decisions. Therefore, we will not give our perspectives or advice if we feel you will become dependent on it. We want you to be able to lead your life and only when we feel you may make a decision that is not beneficial for you is when we offer our guidance, but we will let Michael give his perspective with this."

There have been a few occasions where I would ask my guides to assist me with making a choice. They will either tell me, "Give it time." or question me to reflect and look deeper within myself to find the answer. For me, these have been rare instances, but they do occur. In a sense - I believe - they are still guiding even in those moments. At least for me, like they mentioned above, they taught me how to dig in and find what I want and go after that. Spirit is BIG on choosing what makes you happy, just as long as it is safe and healthy.

"So don't ever feel that your guides have abandoned you or that we are not listening. We are. However, there are times we will step back and give you the chance to figure things out on your own and in your own time. You may feel as if you're floating into a sea of uncertainty. As if with every step you take, the surface below becomes less tangible, but know that this is for good reason. Remove your focus from your mind and place it within your heart. Allow that to guide you and you will begin to see that light that will guide you. This is what we try to teach those who struggle with their inner guidance. We are here to help you through your life, not to live it for you. So trust your feelings and you will never regret a decision. "

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