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Exploring the Spiritual Realm: The Journey of Mediumship

Updated: Mar 16

Let's be real right quick. Yes, I know we're talking about the "intangible world" and that most would deem it as a figment of our imagination, but bear with me. I want to get the misconception out of the way that mediumship is supposed to be perfect.

It's not.

A medium should be able to hear the spirit world at all times and know everything, yes?


A medium should be able to connect with great minds like Einstein and continue making ground-breaking discoveries and inventions, yes?

Nope lol.

For every missing person that is presumed deceased then a medium should be able to connect with their Spirit to bring their killers as well as their bodies to the light, yes?

Well, actually, no.

Why not? Everything happens for a reason and there are things Spirit will not communicate with a medium. If a medium connected with Einstein and continued to do his work by channeling him, that would take the chance and opportunity from other great minds to step up. People would start hiring mediums to continue to carry out a deceased person's work and this will cause the world to eventually come to a halt. There would be no progression, no evolution for mankind, and it would take the purpose away from new souls that have incarnated that are meant to take the place of those that have crossed over. Understand that the reason this is not possible is because it will create a handicap for mankind.

Even with mediums being able to solve every murder or locate every missing person will cripple us. This requires a 4D way of thinking, but there are reasons that these things happen. There are lessons that every party has to go through and learn. One horrible incident - as sad as they are - can prevent thousands of others from happening.

"A world without pain is a world without growth." - Spirit

There are times God or Spirit is to blame for allowing certain things to happen and people often lose faith after traumatic events, but know that this has very little to do with God or Spirit. We are in control of our lives and fates a lot more than we think we are. The death of a young child can bring a family closer and bring about deep healing. A troubled individual who experiences a loss turns over a new leaf to get their life together afterward. Every story, every tragedy touches so many people that it's impossible to be aware of the full impact something like that may have.

As a human being, I know the pain of these things but my connection with Spirit has allowed me to know that there is always a bigger picture that we can't see. We focus on the pain and loss, but very seldomly focus on what is gained. That does not ease the feeling, but it will at least ease the mind.

So whether you are reading this as a skeptic or a developing medium, know that this ability has limitations. It does what it is supposed to when it is meant to.

Mediumship: The Challenges and Struggles

In my experience with Mediumship, I have realized that you have to accept and be comfortable with where you are in your development and do what you can with what you have.

There is no cheat sheet.

If you want more information, you have to continue to practice and allow yourself to become more aware of Spirit. Do not get caught up on what you didn't get, don't get caught up too much on technique (we will expand on this), and don't get caught up on what you got wrong.

This is ALL a apart of the process. I can guarantee every Medium has gotten frustrated with their development. Even the famous ones.

All you need is a clear mind, patience, and trust.

Every reading and every connection with Spirit will be different. Some will be strong and clear and others will be more subtle, and easy to miss. Some readings will flow like a stream and others will feel more clogged.

This is normal and it is okay. Spirit communication is not impeccable. It may be at times because of the medium themselves (tired, scattered-brained, low vibration) or it can be Spirit. Spirit struggles to communicate with us too! They don't know how to get us to understand their message and as a medium or a person who has had experiences with Spirit, you may have noticed that they will try more than once and sometimes in different ways until you get it! So if something does not make sense it very well may not be you, but it can be Spirit. Let them know you are having trouble interpreting and allow them to try to tell you their messages a different way.

Know that on this journey that Spirit is also learning with you. They are learning what signs and symbols make the most sense to you and they will use that in communication because they know it's easy. I'm sure they get frustrated too trying to play Spirit Charades with us!

I know Spirit was knocking me upside the head plenty of times whenever I missed or misinterpreted the most obvious message lol.

Due to this, I've broken the habit of always trying to understand what I'm feeling or being shown and just saying it. Spirit is not going to waste time giving all the details if the sitter knows it and they are aware of what the sitter knows and what they don't. They will give more information on situations a sitter is not aware of than what they are aware of. Trust that.

Speaking Spirit

Throughout your journey of mediumship, you will find that Spirit will speak to you in more interactive and physical ways. Even those who are not mediums still have some similar interactions with Spirit.

For example, Spirit speaks to us all via dreams. They are not always visitations from a loved one but certain themes and messages of a dream come from Spirit.

Spirit will also send signs via insects, animals, and synchronicities. Read my other blog, "Spirit Signs" for more about this.

These interactions from Spirit are their way of letting you know that they are there and that there is life after death. These interactions can be used when providing a reading with a Sitter. Ask Spirit for the symbols and signs they send their loved ones and see what you get! Spirit has common ways they send signs, but now and again you will see that Spirit will send unique signs. This further proves that there is no such thing as coincidences!

The love and support that the Spirit world offers us is beautiful to experience and to see once you become aware of it. Medium or not, reader or not. It does not matter. We are all souls and we all have this connection. We are all being guided on the best path possible and we all receive signs and confirmations. Everyone doesn't see it and there are sadly a few who don't want to, but if you are already aware of their love then keep your eyes and ears open. I'm noticing now that Spirit is more present in our lives than we think!

Heard the same thing from multiple different people? Whether it's advice or constructive criticism if you've heard it more than once then TAKE NOTE! Spirit is trying to tell you something! If there are certain conversations that stand out to you or certain places, again, TAKE NOTE! Spirit is nudging you as there's something important that will be useful now or later!

Take a break from your phone, turn off the tv as these are distractions! You won't know how big they are until you disconnect yourself from them. Go for a walk or sit in silence and allow the flow to take you.

Keep Your Technique LOOSE!

Since I started my mediumship journey I have always wanted a mentor. I felt I struggled too much alone and when I had questions that needed answers, I didn't feel I had anyone to turn to.

Guess what Spirit did to help me out?

Blocked me from ever having a mentor. That's right. I could never find a teacher so everything I've learned has been from Spirit. I'm self-taught and Spirit-taught.

Spirit recently revealed to me that the reason why I was not given a mentor was because it would hinder my development. I would get stuck on following techniques or maybe even trying to read like them and this is not healthy. It is good to have a format you follow with Spirit, but Spirit is all about flowing and the technique is too structured.

As I mentioned above, every reading will be different so in that sense, not every reading will require the same technique.

Watch other mediums and pick up stuff techniques from them, but if you are a natural medium then you should probably rely on your intuition and Spirit unless you feel led to do otherwise.

One of the best things I think a mentor can do for some is teach them about delivery. I have personally never struggled with being sensitive and careful with my words, but I do know that Mediums are careful with what they say and how they say it. Mediums will spare their sitter the details of a passing - unless it's important - but other than that, most sitters do not want to relive events like that. Keep it short and clear, but be mindful. There are books on this too!

The most important thing about mediumship is to provide evidence of life after death and a message if it is there. That's all there is to it.

P.S. When you are reading, don't think. Keep that logic mind on a 0. It is the best thing you can do, I promise. Don't filter the information, don't question. GO with it. It's also okay to get proactive and question Spirit, but I avoid that if it is not needed. It prevents that conscious mind from activating I feel. Asking aloud helps too!

Third Eye, Blind Eye?

A lot of people and developing mediums think that their third eye is closed because they are not physically seeing Spirit. Spirit very RARELY appears physically. What you should figure out is what is your dominant Clair.

I am dominantly clairsentient, but I have a pretty good clairvoyance. I can feel a Spirit's appearance and I can sometimes see it.

Find what you're good at and start there. If you are a feeler then feel into the essence of Spirit. Do they feel large, or small? Do you feel the clothes they're wearing? Do you feel any colors? Do you feel what the texture of their hair might be? You will be surprised to know that EVERYTHING has a feeling. You don't need to see (but it's so much easier and cooler lol).

Some people just have a clear-knowing of what a Spirit is wearing. Another person might hear it. Again and I'll stress it until you get it! Accept where you are and what you can do. Don't compare and contrast your abilities and your style of reading to anyone else's. Well, do it in a healthy way, but not in a way where you're trying to do something that is not within your ability at this moment.

Talk to your guides to find this out. Through connecting with them, they told me to focus on my clairsentience and strengthen that muscle. I followed their guidance and my readings have improved tremendously in such a short amount of time.

You can connect with your guides the same way you connect with people's loved ones. They communicate the same way and it will strengthen your mediumistic muscles too. I will touch more on connecting with them in another blog.

The NeverEnding Journey

As a medium, you will never stop developing. Your sensitivity and your abilities will continue to grow and expand as long as you continue to do this work and use them. You may eventually find yourself doing other work like holistic healing, channeling, or whatever else is out there. Go with the flow, as always, and set ego to the side. Easier said than done, but once you get out of that comfort zone you will see you are much more capable than you think.

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